What the hell am I talking abt????
Like my first day in college,
I was in a convent till my tenth and so the prospect of wearing jeans to college was in itself a great event. So i went, decked in brand new sneakers and jeans and t shirt........ ready to take on the world, which in my head consisted mostly of pamela and co. running towards me as in every baywatch episode. But reality, like maggi tomato ketchup, is different. What i did have is a few guys beat me up due to the fact that my sneakers were new(have still not figured out the connection, but that was the given reason). Actually a few of my school mates too got the same treatment from the 'Cobra gang' and that evening v had a council of war. So v formed a new gang called 'Vipers'. As anyone who has been in a campus knows, the basic duty of any gang is to harass as many people as possible and write their gang name on as many walls as possible. So v started off by writing our names on the walls and erasing off theirs. But, not the whole thing, just CO. So the next day when they came into college, they had become bra vinod, bra prasad and so on. The bruises from the beating they gave us after that is still scattered over my body.
But the crowning glory of that experience happened couple of months back....... I saw vinod of 'bra vinod' fame in Dubai. He was the security guard at an office that I went to for a meeting.HA!!
Thats what I love about life....... it more or less levels up.
Something that intrigues me is the fine line between fame and infamy. Hitler, cruel as he was, is one of the most famous names.... used even as an adjective nowadays.
Cruel people seem much less so after their death. If someone v hate dies....... the hate seems to die too.
This makes me feel that, v are actually programmed to b happy, to have fun and all that. So if happiness and fun for someone is hurting others, how is he or she wrong....... Ouch! I am trying to bite my own tail here.
So better stop now ....b4 i bite the whole thing off.