Money for nothing....
I hate them.............. really really hate them.
The irony is that, till about six months back they were my best friends, they used to b with me where ever I went and I had a lot of fun with them..... But like all weekend raves, all good things must come to an end and unlike Krishen Kumars acting career, all bad things dont come to a fast end.
Who am I talking abt?????Banks Of course....
I used to watch all the Visa and American Express adverts back home and had put using them as one of my goals in life(I know, Iknow......but its my life and I can set any goal i want). So as soon as I joined my job in Dubai, I applied for, and got my First card. 19 days and 22 swipes later, I got my first 'card rejected' slip. But I am not so easily disuaded....... I took both master and visa from another bank(the first one is obviously bad as they refused me any more money even though I defaulted only one payment.....the first one) and was able to parry the rejection slip for almost a month(i was travelling on an official trip for 17 of those days). Then another bank called and offered me a huge limit and I saw the end to all my troubles(already my balance was around 4 times my salary) as i created the perfect plan. I will transfer all the other three of my card balances onto this one and get back in control. But exactly then my holiday happened............ $5000 available balance became $5300 payable in a span of not more than 10 parties.
So to recap, 4 cards; No available balance; Monthly minimum payable of more than 50% of my salary!
Whats the solution?????? Simple...take a personal loan and clear of all the cards at one will b lesser interest and a single point payment. Perfect.
2 mobiles+1 home theatre system+3 city centre trips(SALE!!!!)+'Special' orthopeadic bed and cot +countless 'happy hour' nights = 1 personal loan.
I never knew that the formula was sooo simple .....
In the middle of all this, the stupid Emirates Driving School ppl gave me my licence......... So the situation now, 5 Cards(they gave me another card with the car loan......poof!); No available balance; 1 personal loan; 1 car loan........
So whats the solution?????? Simple....go to the boss and ask for more money. Its surprising how fast a bureaucratic set up can react when it needs to and I had my walking papers in 2 hours..... apparantly the company doesnt run just because of me!!!!! Imagine!!!!!
Now with, 5 cards; No available balance; 1 personal loan; 1 car loan; late payment & over limit charges; and 10 CV's, I set out .... Bhikshaandaehi!!!!!!!
But every dark cloud has a silver lining............. other than Mohanlal, no speck of light can possibly get around that frame now, I have a job with almost 2 times my old salary and 5 times my old work, am well on my way to closing my second card and six months since my last swipe........ had a brief relapse when I HAD to buy a couple of levi's. But its under control now and am in the process of perfecting the art of mooching........ (rahul's idiom for moochers: Go pee while they pay). And my heart felt advice to other aspiring victims of the credit quick sand, have a blast as its great while it lasts.....but remember, like every girl in America(Confidential Source:Boston Legal on Star World) U have the right to say No at anytime...and No means No!!!!!!!!!
The irony is that, till about six months back they were my best friends, they used to b with me where ever I went and I had a lot of fun with them..... But like all weekend raves, all good things must come to an end and unlike Krishen Kumars acting career, all bad things dont come to a fast end.
Who am I talking abt?????Banks Of course....
I used to watch all the Visa and American Express adverts back home and had put using them as one of my goals in life(I know, Iknow......but its my life and I can set any goal i want). So as soon as I joined my job in Dubai, I applied for, and got my First card. 19 days and 22 swipes later, I got my first 'card rejected' slip. But I am not so easily disuaded....... I took both master and visa from another bank(the first one is obviously bad as they refused me any more money even though I defaulted only one payment.....the first one) and was able to parry the rejection slip for almost a month(i was travelling on an official trip for 17 of those days). Then another bank called and offered me a huge limit and I saw the end to all my troubles(already my balance was around 4 times my salary) as i created the perfect plan. I will transfer all the other three of my card balances onto this one and get back in control. But exactly then my holiday happened............ $5000 available balance became $5300 payable in a span of not more than 10 parties.
So to recap, 4 cards; No available balance; Monthly minimum payable of more than 50% of my salary!
Whats the solution?????? Simple...take a personal loan and clear of all the cards at one will b lesser interest and a single point payment. Perfect.
2 mobiles+1 home theatre system+3 city centre trips(SALE!!!!)+'Special' orthopeadic bed and cot +countless 'happy hour' nights = 1 personal loan.
I never knew that the formula was sooo simple .....
In the middle of all this, the stupid Emirates Driving School ppl gave me my licence......... So the situation now, 5 Cards(they gave me another card with the car loan......poof!); No available balance; 1 personal loan; 1 car loan........
So whats the solution?????? Simple....go to the boss and ask for more money. Its surprising how fast a bureaucratic set up can react when it needs to and I had my walking papers in 2 hours..... apparantly the company doesnt run just because of me!!!!! Imagine!!!!!
Now with, 5 cards; No available balance; 1 personal loan; 1 car loan; late payment & over limit charges; and 10 CV's, I set out .... Bhikshaandaehi!!!!!!!
But every dark cloud has a silver lining............. other than Mohanlal, no speck of light can possibly get around that frame now, I have a job with almost 2 times my old salary and 5 times my old work, am well on my way to closing my second card and six months since my last swipe........ had a brief relapse when I HAD to buy a couple of levi's. But its under control now and am in the process of perfecting the art of mooching........ (rahul's idiom for moochers: Go pee while they pay). And my heart felt advice to other aspiring victims of the credit quick sand, have a blast as its great while it lasts.....but remember, like every girl in America(Confidential Source:Boston Legal on Star World) U have the right to say No at anytime...and No means No!!!!!!!!!
signs of maturity rahul!
me writin in malayalam
Me ???? mature????? never wanna b...... its just desperation adn sense of self preservation
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